Whilst Childreamers was our main charity that we have fundraised for over the past 12 months, our Summer Soiree at Flat Planet raised 30,000 Php which we are sharing equally between some of our longstanding charities.
Cash donations of 7,500 Php will be made this month each to City Gates Christian centre, The National Children’s Hospital and Roots of Health Women’s and Youth centre.
The 7,500 Php that we had for Jose Fabella Maternity Memorial hospital, has been added to money raised at our recent June Brunch and our July coffee morning.
We have done this because on our last visit to the hospital in May, with donations of newborn nappies for 24 new mothers, we were made aware of how we could help further.
The hospital has a current shortage of infant eye shields for babies undergoing phototherapy which are crucial to protecting their developing eyesight. They also need Kangaroo wraps, which are used to promote vital skin to skin contact for these premature babies and provide a safe cocoon for the new mothers to use.
We are thrilled that due to our members' generosity at these recent events, we have purchased 150 wraps and 100 eye shields for the hospital.