Catch up with the community 

  • 08 Sep 2023 11:42 PM | Anonymous

    ANZA Manila is delighted to have officially launched our new charity for the year at our Wine and Cheese event at Flat Planet, our ANZA home.

    Tiny Blessings is a charity that works with local partners in Manila to provide educational support, resources, and mentorship to street children, helping them to stay in school and achieve their full potential.

    The charity was set up by Kyle Javier, originally from San Diego, following a holiday to the Philippines. After seeing the poverty and harsh living conditions the street children of Makati were facing, he created a foundation to fund the basic needs of some of the children he met. 

    He has been running Tiny Blessings since 2018, and the foundation is funded by Kyle's family and friends in the US through individual sponsorship for the children and donations to help with bills such as rent and running costs.

    Some of the projects ANZA hope to help Kyle with include setting up a more suitable home in Makati, investment in literacy programs for their tutoring service, supporting ongoing school costs for the students and establishing some regular sporting activities for their community. 

    Kyle joined our ANZA Wine and Cheese event to talk about the charity, and explain that their mission is to bring 'tiny blessings' to the homeless children of Makati, aiming to instil love, light and confidence in them.

    The charity currently provides a home for 14 street children who do not have parents able to care for them. In addition to this they provide food, transport to school, a safe place to visit and tutoring to 40 more children who live on the streets of Makati with their parents.

    We look forward to updating you over the next year as to how the money raised will support the charity.

  • 24 Aug 2023 11:46 PM | Anonymous

    Our amazing High Tea in August raised a whopping 31,572 Php for The Sunshine Sewers.

    HUGE thanks to our wonderful host, ANZA Co-President Daisy and all the amazing attendees for making the event such a success.

    There was an amazing spread of sweet and savoury food, tea, coffee and mimosas. 

    We also need to say a heartfelt thank you to our generous sponsors who donated the fantastic raffle prizes. @beautiquemd @bachacoffee @kulturafilipino @donrevyph @thedailyknead_ @risenationph your support helped us raise an amazing amount of money for The Sunshine Sewers.

    Members of our Sunshine Sewers also bought some of their handmade items to the event to sell.

    If you would like to put your needlework skills to good use, whether that's machine sewing, hand sewing, crochet or knitting, please email and join the Sunshine Sewers.

  • 22 Jul 2023 11:34 PM | Anonymous

    Whilst Childreamers was our main charity that we have fundraised for over the past 12 months, our Summer Soiree at Flat Planet raised 30,000 Php which we are sharing equally between some of our longstanding charities.

    Cash donations of 7,500 Php will be made this month each to City Gates Christian centre, The National Children’s Hospital and Roots of Health Women’s and Youth centre.

    The 7,500 Php that we had for Jose Fabella Maternity Memorial hospital, has been added to money raised at our recent June Brunch and our July coffee morning.

    We have done this because on our last visit to the hospital in May, with donations of newborn nappies for 24 new mothers, we were made aware of how we could help further.

    The hospital has a current shortage of infant eye shields for babies undergoing phototherapy which are crucial to protecting their developing eyesight. They also need Kangaroo wraps, which are used to promote vital skin to skin contact for these premature babies and provide a safe cocoon for the new mothers to use.

    We are thrilled that due to our members' generosity at these recent events, we have purchased 150 wraps and 100 eye shields for the hospital.

    The Sunshine Sewers group also continues their handy work and have been creating soft toys, pillowcases, patchwork blankets and toiletry pouches for the children’s hospital.

    Our High Tea event in August (see more information below) will be all about the group and will be raising some much-needed funds for them to continue their work. Please, we’d love you to come along and show your support.

    Meanwhile, we are now finishing the selection process for ANZA’s major charity for 2023/24. Thank you so much to our members who so generously give both their time and money making it possible for us to be able to help all of these charities and organisations.

  • 22 Jul 2023 11:27 PM | Anonymous

    ANZA Manila has moved to Flat Planet WorkSpace for it's virtual business address here in the Philippines.

    A proudly Australian-owned Premium Hybrid Workspace, right in the heart of Makati Central Business District, Flat Planet is a premium Workforce Solutions Provider that has been part of the Philippines’ Makati Business Community for more than 13 years.

    In 2023, they launched Flat Planet WorkSpace, offering premium amenities and an exquisitely designed fit-out to give the Community access to the future of office space.

    Flat Planet says: "Flat Planet is happy to support ANZA Manila in their effort to connect everyone, provide opportunities for members to work with local charities, and promote businesses. The same goes for those looking into finding an event venue, a place for their staff to work, meeting rooms to rent, a virtual address for business registration, and much more.

    The benefits of signing with Flat Planet WorkSpace is the access to its Community of like-minded people, free-flowing Barista coffee, high-speed internet, premium Makati CBD address, exclusive perks, events, and more. Enjoy these premium services for one simple price. Daily walk-ins and Monthly Memberships are available.

    To get in touch with Flat Planet WorkSpace’s Community Team, please visit or reach +(63) 998-846-2126. Or better yet, pop in and have a look – located at the 2nd Level of Republic Glass Building, 196 Salcedo, Makati City, it’s the perfect location for your next event! Feel free to check-out their socials as well! (@flatplanetworkspace on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn)."

  • 28 May 2023 11:13 PM | Anonymous

    Thank you to everyone who attended our Annual General Meeting this month, and to all of our members who signed proxy forms to ensure that the meeting could go ahead.

    A special thank you to the Australian Ambassador, Her Excellency Hae Kyong Yu, and her husband Mr Fergus Murphy for hosting this year's AGM at the Ambassador's Residence. 

    There have been several changes to the volunteer organisational structure of ANZA for this coming year ahead. Welcome to the new ANZA Executive Committee and Board of Trustees for 2023/2024.

    Our ANZA officers for the coming year are as follows:

    Co-Presidents - Shakira Snowdon and Daisy Pope-Brien

    Secretary - Nikki Bennett - NEW

    Treasurer - Lachlan Campbell - NEW

    Events Coordinator - Martina Ryser - NEW

    Charities Coordinator - Bridget Devantier & Aysa Smith - NEW

    Membership Coordinators - Samantha Day & Leah Del Castillo - NEW

    Social Media & Website Coordinator - Katie Zacharska - NEW

    Ball Coordinator - Lauren Venable - IN NEW ROLE

    Newsletter - Sarah Darby - IN NEW ROLE

    Sponsorships Coordinator - VACANT 

    Our board members are:

    Chairperson - Josh Manoharan - IN NEW ROLE

    Corporate Secretary - Marie Hope Jamero

    Members - Jodie Caines,

         Shakira Snowdon, 

         Daisy Pope-Brien

         Jenny Moriarty - NEW

    Finally, a thank you to our corporate sponsors and supporters for their assistance, collaboration, partnership and promotion over the last 12 months. We look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.

    Below are photos from the AGM. The first is our outgoing Executive Committee, with our remote member in the UK in the second photo. The final photo is of some of the members of the new Executive Committee and the Board.

  • 16 Mar 2023 11:07 PM | Anonymous

    Hello everyone, and what else can we say but a huge THANK YOU to all of you who supported the ANZA Grand Charity Ball 2023, sponsored by Atmosphere Resorts & Spa and Cebu Pacific at New World Makati on 11 March.

    It was an amazing night, and thanks to your generosity and support we raised more than 1.5 MILLION pesos for our charity Childreamers Daycare in Tondo.

    Thank you to all of our generous sponsors and donors and to all of you who bought raffle tickets, bid on the live and silent auctions, made pledges and made sure the night was one not to forget. We couldn't have done it without you! 

    The evening would not have happened at all without our Ball Committee. SO much time and energy was volunteered to see the return of the ANZA Ball, and we think its fair to say that they made it the best ball ever for our members! 

    It also seems a good time to say that everything you see ANZA do happens because of our amazing group of volunteers. We would like to say a special thank you though to the ANZA Executive Committee & Board, who have put blood, sweat & tears into making ANZA the amazing organisation it is over this past year. 

    Sonia Clements, Kylie Bauquin, Lauren Venable, Cara O'Connell, Sarah Darby, Alice Cairn, Janet Utting, Josh Manoharan, Jodie Cairns, we are so grateful to work with such an outstanding group of humans. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. 

    There will be more about the ball in our next newsletter.

  • 10 Mar 2023 11:00 PM | Anonymous

    If you have seen the work that our volunteers have been doing at Childreamers, we would welcome some more ANZA members to come and join us.

    We aim to go weekly every Tuesday morning, and carpool, leaving Manila at 8am, returning around 11am/12noon.

    It's a great morning, spending time with the children playing, reading stories and helping with the meals. 

    If you're an ANZA member and want to come along, please contact Daisy at who will add you to the charities WhatsApp chat.

  • 22 Feb 2023 10:43 PM | Anonymous

    A huge thank you to Mr Fergus Murphy for hosting ANZA members and all our local and international friends at the Australian Ambassador's Residence in January.

    It was a wonderful morning, which also included a visit from the New Zealand Ambassador, His Excellency Peter Kell. 

  • 20 Dec 2022 7:01 AM | Anonymous

    Childreamers is ANZA’s chosen charity for 2022-2023 year.

    Established in 2015, in Temporary Housing, Barangay 105, Zone 8 Tondo, Childreamers aims to provide basic pre-school education to 45 three-five year old children to prepare them for more complex learning in the future.

    All of these children belong to the most impoverished families whose incomes are derived mostly from scavenging, as well as working as labourers in the port area.

    The Early Childhood Development Curriculum covers numbers, alphabet, colours, shapes, play time, storytelling and hygiene education. Students are divided in 2 groups: 8am-10am and 10am-12noon. Apart from their lessons the children are also part of a feeding program, providing them with at least one nutritious meal per day - a luxury most children in that community do not get.

    Looking back over the past 8 months working with Childreamers, it has been so heartwarming. We’ve managed to achieve a mind-blowing amount in the community in such a short space of time and it’s all thanks to each and every one of you…our ANZA members.

    Many of you have purchased tickets and attended our events, purchased raffle tickets and Christmas angels. By doing this you have helped us raise more than 210,000php. This money has been able to almost entirely renovate Childreamers, purchase new school supplies, provide each child a hygiene kit, restart the feeding program and assist with daily running costs.


          Isolation and roof repairs 72,000php

          Hygiene kits 5,500php

          Waterproofing 4,000php

          Toilet repairs

          Restarted feeding program 50php per child per day

          School supplies and blackboard paint 5,000php

          Toilet and kitchen drainage- 14,560php

          Electrical rewiring- 37,375php

          Bluetooth speaker- 2,000php

    Our charity volunteers are donating their time and energy to our weekly visits to the center, which are the highlight of the week for the kids. The volunteers prepare games, activities and bring supplies to encourage the kids to listen, interact, and engage by creating a safe and fun learning environment. When we first begun the visits the children were very shy and unsure about us but after months of going our volunteers have established a close bond and rapport with the kids, teachers and parents at Childreamers. We look forward to continuing in 2023.

    We’ve achieved amazing things for Childreamers in 2022 and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the difference we’ve been able to make.

    BUT… there’ still so much more we can do for Childreamers and the Tondo community which we plan to achieve in 2023.

    Our 2023 goals with Childreamers

          Fence back of kitchen- 127,200php

          Replace kitchen sink and flooring- 78,730php

          Repair toy library

          Continue feeding program 50php per child per day

          Ongoing running costs 20,000php per month 

    Thank you again!





    Corporate Sponsors

    © Copyright 2022 Australian and New Zealand Social Association (ANZA) Manila, All Rights Reserved.

  • 20 Dec 2022 6:53 AM | Anonymous

    Hurrah, the ANZA Ball is back! My name is Ann Cuatico and I’m a designer and I’ve enjoyed making gowns, dresses, suits and tuxedos for the ANZA Ball for more than a decade, and am happy to introduce (and re-introduce) myself to ANZA’s new and existing members in this newsletter.

    I’ve actually been designing and making clothes with my team since 1997. As a designer, I enjoy the gift of being able to make something specifically for someone, something unique that gives pleasure and confidence to the wearer which is stylish but comfortable too. I also enjoy collaborating, and inviting clients to try different looks from one’s usual, and, with separates especially, how to incorporate things with existing wardrobes. I’ve actually just finished putting together a wardrobe of clothes and accessories for a schoolmate who’s been getting some buzz as an Oscar leading actress contender since their film won the Palme D’Or at Cannes. It’s been really fun especially planning how my designed pieces can mix and match for different looks for the different events she’ll be attending in Toronto, New York and London.

    I love what I do and am so fortunate that throughout the years, a lot of my clients and I actually develop long relationships that continue even when work takes them to another country. Throughout the years, clients have left, but I’ve been blessed that in some cases fate brings them back to Manila and they look me up to make clothes for them again. And, since I design for women, men and children (and the occasional pet and stuffed toy), I often get to make clothes for the rest of the family, and visiting relatives and friends too: I’ve actually made wedding gowns, ball and prom dresses, suits, etc for folks not based here all because it started with my making something special for someone or because a friend of someone kindly recommended me.

    The ANZA Ball has always been one of my favourite events to design clothing for because the themes are always fun and interesting, the men and women who go are usually open to looking fab and dressed up for the event, and this ball has always been one of the most eagerly awaited ones every year in Manila. I’m as excited as many of you likely are, waiting to hear what this ball’s theme will be. And because I’ve always had a great relationship with ANZA, I’m happy to say I’ll be giving a 10% discount to ANZA members to have their outfits made by me for the ball.

    I’m so looking forward to hopefully meeting a lot of you soon. My cell number is +63 917 848 0661 and I’m on WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram also. Here are a few photos I have of things I’ve made from some of the past ANZA Balls:

© Copyright 2025 Australia and New Zealand Social Association (ANZA) Manila, All Rights Reserved.