Catch up with the community 

  • 01 Aug 2021 12:11 PM | Anonymous

    Nobody planned to spend quite so much of the past 18 months staring at their own reflection.

    With everything from work meetings to weddings forced online our bid to stay connected has meant being constantly confronted with our own #zoomfaces.

    And there’s a big difference between sharing a filtered selfie on Instagram, and catching yourself slumped in front of the screen, your kids fighting in the background as you stare in horror at your dark circles. What with the unflattering lighting & unforgiving camera angles it’s no wonder we’re sick of the sight of ourselves. I never knew I had so many chins.

    But what effect does it have on our self-esteem? And can we do anything to boost it?

    After multiple decades working in fashion and beauty, I understand the power of putting on some mascara and lipstick. I had just chosen not to in the pandemic, and that’s ok.

    For some people putting makeup on will give them a sense of control given what’s going on outside is uncontrollable. And that’s ok.

    There is no right answer when it comes to how to approach beauty in these pandemic times. If it doesn’t feel right for you right now, that’s fine. But if it does? It can be a coping strategy for people to feel a sense of normalcy. And that’s ok.

    A few carefully selected products can make you feel pulled together with minimal effort. I haven’t been out of a pair of track pants (see June article) for a very long time, and maybe we’re looking at our makeup in the same way we look at our clothes now: comfortable to wear and easy to take off.

    So it’s about time I pull out some of my favorite lipsticks again. And rock a pair of heels. In my track pants :)

    Your Author 

    Kimberly Fisher Horan is an Australian Fashion Editor, Stylist & Writer based in Manila Philippines. Co-Founder of Sitara Vintage & founder of TPNW shoes

    Check out The Perfect Nude Wedge and Sitara Vintage to see Kimbo’s designs.

  • 01 Aug 2021 11:35 AM | Anonymous

    Agony. That feeling of being strapped on one's chair, clocking in unlimited hours of working from home (WFH). The neck starts to hurt, then back starts to stiffen and to top it off, the wrists are in so much pain. The lucky bit of the workforce who managed to transition into WFH struggle with delineating work duties from household management and time for the self, sharing WiFi and space with other household members, and managing kids in online schooling for some.

    The manual labourer who needs to bike around the city to deliver goods would keep pedaling until the knee aches and shoulders tighten. The business owner who keeps grinding from 4AM to past midnight just to support their staff never gets to sleep and has dropped off the fit lifestyle - there were no more marathons to work towards. Children are slouched in front of their gadgets to be educated or entertained and the elderly keep wondering when the sun can shine on them again. We are in a pandemic of agonizing pain.

    Massage, chiro, acupuncture and myotherapy are the most common escape to these unfortunate sensations. We are used to "receiving" well-being through a source of relief. Should another lockdown be in place, these passive modalities will not be as accessible anymore yet again and we have to be more proactive and innovative. Introducing the least famous among the sisters, physiotherapy. It might not be the coolest thing in the world as there is not much fanfare in it, there are no cracking and needles much involved but it works wonders - if you find a good physio that is.

    "Science transcends physical touch. Knowledge can be transmitted at the absence of passive modalities. Well-being can be actively achieved."

    Physiotherapy, physical therapy or PT are all the same thing in different parts of the world. I took up physio thinking that I wanted to be a doctor. In traditional Asian societies, you are either a doctor, a lawyer or nothing. It took a while to be ok with being nothing lol. I fell in love with physio because it explained so much about the human body. There is always a reason for everything! My left ankle sprain when I was trying to be cool playing ball in 2014 to "undo" my flat feet could explain my right knee pain in 2019, which could relate to my left hip tightness ever since I was 8, all in all adding to my knees kissing unless I stretch out my outer hips and keep squatting. Being the most western science-based among the different kinds of therapy, I found much comfort in physio. In March 2020 when my new clinic was shut down, it was challenging to imagine how to migrate my profession online. I managed to do it though, surprisingly! Scaling up into a bigger platform, aims to deliver physiotherapy services for all Filipinos regardless of socioeconomic status. Science transcends physical touch. Knowledge can be transmitted at the absence of passive modalities. Well-being can be actively achieved and here are some tips and tricks.

    Whether our jobs keep the work from home set-up or go hybrid, sitting in an office chair will always be part of the equation. Keeping everything in a neutral position is the key. If possible, bring your screen up to eye level. If a huge monitor is not accessible, raising your laptop or device on a box or a portable stand would work wonders for you. Make sure it is at the center, not at the side so as not to overuse your neck rotators. Forearm support is much crucial and usually forgotten. When we allow our wrists to elbows to rest on the table, it saves our neck and wrists unnecessary stress. Shoulders usually roll inward into a slouch causing our head to poke forward. If we make an effort to squeeze our shoulder blades together, our head will naturally tuck in and shoulders open up. "Back straight" is more relatable than "neutral spine" - both are correct although the former is more like an idiom because our spine is not straight at all. We have natural spinal curves which we should maintain when sitting. Adjust your seat height to make sure that hips are level with the knees to minimise compression on the hip flexors and keep your feet flat as much as possible to minimise tightness on the back of the thigh or hamstrings. Lastly, if you could keep your sitting time to a maximum of 50 minutes per hour, do it. That extra 10 minutes when you can walk or stand instead of staying on your seat could save your body from so much pain.

    Your Author 

    Josh Manoharan is a Filipino-Sri Lankan Physiotherapist based in BGC. He holds clinic at Kerry Sports Manila at Shangri-La Fort. For about 6 years, he was appointed the head coach and studio manager of F45 Training BGC Stopover, an Australian gym that pioneered in Manila. Starting with a vision to thoroughly understand the human body, he started with basic healthcare, got sidetracked to fitness and is now merging both through a telehealth startup company called Kakayanan, Filipino for “Ability”. Using different channels, Josh aims to share science-based advice to improve the quality of life of Filipinos around the world and expats based in the Philippines.

  • 28 Jun 2021 1:41 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Kimbo,

    I want to start this letter by saying that I enjoyed our intense bonding time during this last year. Honestly, I didn’t realise how much time we would be spending together when this all started.

    Before, we only had Sundays. That gave us something to look forward to. Our special weekly date. Now every day is a never-ending black hole. I can still remember when we met at the sale rack. You took one look and exclaimed, “Wow! Ten dollars! F**k yeah!” Once you tried me on in that dressing room, that smelled like feet, we fit perfectly. Just the right amount of closeness to not feel too strained. We knew we were meant to be together.

    I’ll never forget the first night we spent together, snuggling on your lounge. On that winter night in Sydney I kept you warm. I knew we’d be together for such a very long time. In every fabric fiber of my being, I knew an amazing life awaited us.

    You took care of me. For so many years, you cared for me. The times in the gentle cycle, the times you actually hung me up on a hanger. On special occasions, we used an iron. That only made our love stronger. More powerful. All the effort and kindness you put into making our relationship last made me so proud to be yours.

    However, during this last year, things changed. Days go by without you changing and honestly, I don’t enjoy smelling like you right now. You stopped washing me. I’ve had Cheetos stains for a week. Spilled cereal rests on my fabric like a horrid scar. It’s like you don’t even care anymore.

    Zoom calls are filled with complaints about our relationship. Wearing me is depressing, you say. You’re sick of being stuck inside. That’s hurtful, because you’re stuck with me. You wish you had an excuse to leave our home. One friend even described me as “washed out.” Rude does not even begin to describe it.

    You’re just lazy now. We watched the entire Harry Potter series two times this week. Two. Times. I have not seen daylight in two weeks. Light is now a foreign concept outside of your laptop and flatscreen’s dull glow.

    After all the time spent together, life happened. Feelings changed. Constantly being together… it’s not healthy. Not special. I feel overused and under-loved. That’s my threaded life now. So, it’s with a heavy heart that I must do this.

    It’s time that we break up.

    I’ll move back into the cupboard. You should spend some time in your jeans or skirts. Do you even remember what other fabric besides cotton feels like? All your other clothes were abandoned once this epidemic started. I can’t be your everything. Time with the washer, some detergent, time by myself — this is all-important. I need a break and, honestly, you need to focus on yourself. Go for a walk. Eat a salad. Wash your hair. Now that quarantine is changing, we can spend some time apart.

    Maybe we can spend a long Monday night together binging TV after this break. We’ll see where life takes us. Hopefully, we can still be friends. I wish you the best. No matter what, I’ll never forget our memories and the time we spent together.


    Your Sweatpants

    Your Author 

    Kimberly Fisher Horan is an Australian Fashion Editor, Stylist & Writer based in Manila Philippines. Co-Founder of Sitara Vintage & founder of TPNW shoes

    Check out The Perfect Nude Wedge and Sitara Vintage to see Kimbo’s designs.

  • 28 Jun 2021 1:15 PM | Anonymous

    Are you on your eighth Harvard course and can now speak four languages? Congratulations, my friend! You are flourishing. Many of us are not YET. This meme perfectly describes the "other" state of mind called "languishing".

    This cracked me up so bad I wanted to write about this unexplained feeling of "blah" or "meh" which many of us have felt or have been feeling. There is a term for it, apparently. Languishing came about when psychologists started writing articles like this one. For a long time, I have been feeling that limbo of blah and I could not seem to understand it until this term came about.

    Upon acknowledging this feeling, the first major step I took was to embark on a meditation practice that my friends have been raving about for quite some time now. I was never a "mindful" person. I like to hit life at full speed with no breaks. I just wanted to keep moving, no idle time! Breathing is for the weak. Why do we have to chew our food? That's such a waste of time! Let's hit some numbers and win in life! I was already happy with that life until I was forced to hang out with myself - all day, for months. I broke down at least eight times in 2020. I was never like that. "Why is this happening?" I asked. I have always been the life of the party. (BTW F***k Zoom parties. Who enjoys laughing on mute?) I went through a tough mental health journey and with the support of trusted friends and family, I gradually put together a physical and mental routine that pulled me out of the dark. Now, I can finally understand what "mental health" is. Luckily, none of those dark thoughts came to fruition.

    Whether it is meditation or something else, the secret is learning to pop out of our thoughts.

    To acknowledge that our thoughts and ourselves are not one thing, as the Calm app puts it, is sanity. To be able to jump out of our brain and zoom out as an observer instead of being immersed in the toxicity of firing neurons, that is the goal. I revisited my childhood hobbies. Growing up in rural Philippines was such an experience. Coffee beans were sun-dried on the National Roads and children are forced to go home before dark. Our neighborhood elders say that at 6PM, the half-human-half-horse "Tikbalang" will start collecting naughty kids like me. Probably, the reason I am still alive to this day is because I was already home at 6PM as a child. Lol. Those things scar you, don't they? I had to keep busy. Drawing, colouring, reading encyclopedias, dreaming about constellations and pretending that I am a spy. I had a pretty imaginative childhood! Last year, I reconnected with that child. This child was a fun one. He did not need parties, there was no social media validation at that time. I was just happy to exist. This was how I got out of my languishing state. I stopped judging myself. The kid did not care about love handles. He was happy to just be.

    It is not success that brings happiness, happiness brings success. I started focusing on what makes me happy. I did those things. And slowly, my mental state has improved. I can now stand three minute Yin Yoga poses without thinking of what groceries I will have to pick up. I can now sit down doing nothing, just enjoying my coffee looking at that wonderful view. The work permit for my scheduled aircon cleaning three days from now can wait until mid-day, the condo admin are not in a rush anyway. Lol. I finally learned how to chill. I became happy again. Less dependent on any external validation now, more into myself and how great of a kid I was and still am. I started flourishing again!

    I am writing this article two days after receiving a formal notice that my startup company has now been approved as a registered corporation. I cannot wait to celebrate the next chapter of my life as a flourishing adult who creeped out of the pandemic gloom! In your own unique way, you can flourish again too. I hope my story would inspire you to see the light again.

    Your Author 

    Josh Manoharan is a Filipino-Sri Lankan Physiotherapist based in BGC. He holds clinic at Kerry Sports Manila at Shangri-La Fort. For about 6 years, he was appointed the head coach and studio manager of F45 Training BGC Stopover, an Australian gym that pioneered in Manila. Starting with a vision to thoroughly understand the human body, he started with basic healthcare, got sidetracked to fitness and is now merging both through a telehealth startup company called Kakayanan, Filipino for “Ability”.

    Using different channels, Josh aims to share science-based advice to improve the quality of life of Filipinos around the world and expats based in the Philippines.

  • 31 May 2021 12:47 PM | Anonymous

    The ANZA Manila membership fee is often a topic of discussion amongst all of our stakeholders, particularly our members and executive committee. We have come to a decision to move away from the one size fits all membership and migrate to a variety of access and benefit membership levels. You will begin to notice these effects come into place very soon. Here are the key takeaways:

    Multi-Level Membership

    Our member base is diverse in their own structures. Some are individuals, some our couples whereas others are companies or organizations. Individuals typically like to participate in our events and get discounts through our partners whilst the companies like to leverage our reach in the community, so it seems foolish to not create options for all.

    So moving forward, we will have four membership options. Individual, Couple, Pro Business Sponsor and Elite Business Sponsor:

    Individual – ₱2,000

    This is almost identical to our current level of membership. You will have continued access to our partner discounts and special offers, complimentary and discounted access to events, access to our private Facebook and Whatsapp group, submission of articles to our platform and contribution to the running of ANZA and the charities we support.

    Couple - ₱3,500

    This level offers exactly the same as the individual membership but allows for two members at a discounted rate.

    Pro Business Sponsor - ₱10,000

    Aimed at small businesses, 5 members can be included with all the benefits of an individual membership plus inclusion of advertorials, brand exposure on our website, social media posts, inclusion in our monthly newsletter, corporate charity opportunities and a fancy framed certificate.

    Elite Business Sponsor - ₱40,000

    Aimed at larger businesses, 15 members can be included in the membership as well as all the benefits from the Pro Business Sponsor but in far increased quantity.

    Full details of all the inclusions across four membership levels can be seen here:

    Increased Base Fee

    You will have noticed that our membership fee for an individual member has increased by 25%. Whilst 25% is a significant increase when displayed as a percentage, in real figures this works out at around 14AUD/15NZD per annum or around 4 cents per day.

    There are two drivers for the price increase:

    • 1.       Increased platform fees from Wild Apricot

    Wild Apricot is the platform that hosts our website, members, events, blogs and financials. They focus on non-profits and have just increased their fees.

    • 2.      Incorporation of a direct donation into our membership fee

    We felt it was important for members to feel the contribution to one of our supported charities every time they renew their membership. That’s why there is a percentage of our member fee, across all four levels, that is a direct donation to one of our charities.

    We hope you support us in the adoption of our new membership structure. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

  • 28 May 2021 12:10 PM | Anonymous

    My wife Daisy and I moved to Manila from Perth in January 2017. The below image was taken one Friday afternoon, within a month of our arrival, and I immediately we knew our decision was a good one.

    Fast forward to May 2021 and a lot has changed, but we are still thankful to live in the Philippines and blessed to have the many opportunities of domestic travel in our adopted home.

    When times were simpler, Daisy and I would plan a long weekend away from Manila once a month. My memories of this time are fondly held for many reasons, pre-pandemic, pre-children, and freedom was relatively limitless. Affordable domestic carriers with lunch time flights departing for locations like El-Nido, Siargao and Boracay gave us the possibility to pack a back pack each, an early knock off on a Thursday/Friday, and providing we made it past the uncertainty and ambiguity of Terminal 4 departure lounge, we could have our feet in the water and a beer/G&T in hand by sunset of the same day.

    Depending on our location our first day away would typically involve arranging a motorbike, a trip to the beach, massage and then hydrate after a day in the sun. The freedom of riding a motorbike without any rental agreement, exchange of details or time limits was refreshing, trusting and was only matched by the freedom of wind in the face driving down Nacapan Beach to find a secluded location.

    Island hopping around El Nido, Coron, Siargao, Mactan, Bohol, Dumagetee, has left us with amazing memories of swimming through caves, turtles, clean water, high visibility, fish and in some cases temporary hearing loss from poorly sound proofed bunkers engines. The friendly bunker captains have always been accommodating and have operated with a smile. On occasion in El Nido we took a private boat which can be arranged at a little extra cost and gave complete autonomy and was a nice luxury.

    We found food and drinks to be hit and miss on the islands and encountered varied levels of quality which added to the excitement of the destination. We found Siargao, home of a relatively large French expat community, to have a great selection of restaurants, cafes and bars. Even when we encountered a dish or two that wasn’t the best, the view of a sunset over the water with a cold drink, only an hour or two away from Manila, was a memorable experience.

    Reflecting on our 4.5 years in Manila we are so grateful to have been able to travel to and experience the beauty of the islands to our South. Whether our intent was to surf, island hop, relax, diving, food and drink we were always able to find a location which provided us lasting and enjoyable experience. While there are many expats in Manila who have greater travel experience, over a much longer term than us, I would be very happy to provide more details on our experiences to anyone interested.

    Finally, Daisy and I have visited Boracay a number of times upon re-opening. In November 2020, in the first few weeks of reopening, we got to see Boracay in all its glory. After some years of closure for various reasons we experienced Boracay with no tourists, no pollution, pristine beaches and unmatched beauty.

    Your Author 

    Mick is a Civil Engineer and the COO of Prime BMD in The Philippines. He’s a Brisbane boy originally and has lived in the Philippines with his wife and son for over 4 years.

  • 28 May 2021 12:01 PM | Anonymous

    It feels as if perhaps the art of black comedy should make a comeback. Life seems so overwhelmingly & relentlessly serious (Groundhog Day anyone?)

    And of course, it is serious: we are in the midst of a pandemic which is hopefully the major event of our lifetimes.

    But it doesn’t mean that the pressure can’t be relieved with a bit of dark humour. I’ve personally been re-watching the Monty Python classics: “He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!”

    One problem is that jokes don’t really work on Zoom. They need a reaction — something that is lacking if everyone is on mute, with their cameras off and only half listening because they are juggling work with home schooling. Is anyone else drinking wine out of a tea mug too?

    That’s not to say that videoconferences can’t be funny. It’s hard to forget the guy whose children so memorably gatecrashed his tv interview or the lawyer stuck behind a zoom filter who had to explain to the judge that no, he wasn’t a cat.

    Something that has helped me is finding funny people online amid the doom scrolling. If you haven’t seen them, I would highly recommend, among others, the hilariously on point @hurrahforgin, @loic.suberville who never fails to crack me up and the fantastic people singing cover versions of popular songs in the new pandemic context including @officialchrismann & @randyrainbow

    Humour at its best is resilience. And it connects us — even though we still aren’t able to stand around joking together at parties, we can at least laugh together online. So I’m off to do a family lockdown boogie (link: & pray for school to go back ASAP ⭐️

    Your Author 

    Kimberly Fisher Horan is an Australian Fashion Editor, Stylist & Writer based in Manila Philippines. Co-Founder of Sitara Vintage & founder of TPNW shoes

    Check out The Perfect Nude Wedge and Sitara Vintage to see Kimbo’s designs.

  • 28 May 2021 10:44 AM | Anonymous

    Chin-ups were never an issue for me before. And now, I can barely do one. I could beat myself up all day for letting myself go but that would not help me get up - literally and figuratively.

    It will only continue to discourage me.

    It is fine to be tough on ourselves but with all these uncertainties around us, the lack of a solid, science-based unified approach locally, we cannot be hard on ourselves. Not at this time, at least.

    I used to manage an Aussie gym called F45 Training in BGC, Taguig. I have been a part of the team since its inception in 2015 until recently when I decided to focus on my physio career. My constant exposure to the Aussie directors and the multiple trips to Australia have significantly changed my outlook in life both personally and professionally. I even connected with family in Melbs. At one point, I already felt more Aussie than Pinoy - efficient, really fit, not emotional anymore and yet one thing could never change. My labour was still cheap. Lol

    Being in the fitness industry, I had to uphold a certain level of fitness to be able to command respect and inspire our members. I trained with them in class everyday, sometimes twice. I would run around BGC and somebody from the gym would always say hey. I enjoyed that!

    "I have achieved the body I have always wanted. I can do any sport that I want anytime. I was not faking it. I was it! And now that is all gone. I am a completely different person."

    Early on in the pandemic, I still trained hard - no questions asked. However, there was one day when I just stared at that loaded barbell for twenty minutes and called it quits. That was the last time I set foot at that gym. "What for?" I asked. I could never forget that day. I started spiraling down, managed to pick myself up a couple of times and then just let go again. It has been a constant up and down and until now, I am still not that pre-pandemic version of me. I don't think I will be for some time and that's alright.

    With gyms closing down, pools shut, guards telling you off at every little thing you do or not do, every ridiculous policy that gets rolled out one day and changed the next, how could we stay motivated? It is tough! Even for me who is already internally motivated, it is tough. Yet there was only one value I have kept that let me stay afloat and that is self-compassion.

    I started living one moment at a time. There is no bigger picture for now. I acknowledge that on one day, I will let things go and on another day, I will pick myself up. I accept that that this one day that I slack off is not the end of the world. Surely, one of these next days, I will manage to sneak in a 20-minute run. I might get a three-cheese ensaymada to reward myself but for now, that is fine! Nothing is permanent. Just like the guards at high street!

    As cliche as it may be, we all know that this will pass. I am sure we all look at Australia, New Zealand and cannot help but be frustrated when we look at ourselves and our dysfunctional QR codes. Yes, we are the luckier bit of the spectrum in Manila, but still our problems are valid! Someone out there could barely feed his family and me whinging about my chin-ups are two different problems indeed but they are still valid. Do not invalidate yourself. What you feel is true and valid and the moment you tune in and stop talking sh*t to yourself, you will snap out of this. You will get up again, one chin-up at a time mate. Take it easy hey!

    Your Author 

    Josh Manoharan is a Filipino-Sri Lankan Physiotherapist based in BGC. He holds clinic at Kerry Sports Manila at Shangri-La Fort. For about 6 years, he was appointed the head coach and studio manager of F45 Training BGC Stopover, an Australian gym that pioneered in Manila. Starting with a vision to thoroughly understand the human body, he started with basic healthcare, got sidetracked to fitness and is now merging both through a telehealth startup company called Kakayanan, Filipino for “Ability”.

    Using different channels, Josh aims to share science-based advice to improve the quality of life of Filipinos around the world and expats based in the Philippines.

  • 29 Apr 2021 8:45 AM | Anonymous

    Al Fresco dining in the Philippines is the ‘in thing’ right now. Not only due to the Summer season but also, the unique limitations of our friend Covid-19!

    Tagaytay, at an altitude of 600-650m is the perfect spot to escape from Manila and quite literally, chill out. It is only a 60-80 minute drive from Makati. Here are the Top 5 family style, moderately priced restaurants with Al Fresco dining in Tagaytay:


    Arguably Tagaytay’s best steakhouse and only a few minutes’ drive from The Rotonda, Fire Lake Grill has unbeatable views over Lake Taal, and the Taal Volcano.

    Hands on owner, Chef Paul Huang, is a very amiable chap.

    Fabulous continental grill cuisine is on offer, (Meat/Fish/Pasta/Risotto/Salads, etc). Featuring a selection of wines from Zen Asia.

    Fire Lake Grill has been consistently awarded as one of “The Philippines' Best Restaurants for 12 years running by Tatler Philippines.

    Fire Lake Grill

    Tagaytay Ridge Road

    Unit 3 Cliffhouse Tagaytay

    Tagaytay City, Cavite

    Tel no: (046) 483-2069

    Cell Phone no: 0927 914 4604


    (Previously known as Don Limone)

    Inspired by the beautiful wine growing region of northern California, Napa Grill is where the eclectic and farm fresh California cuisine meets the splendors of Tagaytay. You can find an abundance of locally grown produce, with a touch of Lebanese and Mexican influences. 

    Napa Grill is owned and managed by, Allen and Betty Tadayon; a very hospitable couple. 

    Created by a team of internationally experienced culinary professionals, Napa Grill's menu includes a wide range of fresh seafood and salads, grilled meats, and house baked breads. The Lebanese platter is superb!

    Their large wine collection includes a great selection from Greece and Italy.

    From the traditional wood burning fireplace to the romantic garden patio, Napa Grill offers a warm and rustic ambiance, for a memorable Tagaytay dining experience.

    Napa Grill

    1.1 km West of Mahogany

    Market, 1.2 km West

    For reservations call:

    0932 873 2316 or 09175342568 

    3. Marcia Adams’ Restaurant

    Owned and operated by Chef Marcia and her entertaining English husband Neil Adams. This garden-based Mediterranean restaurant and events venue is right on the edge of Tagaytay.

    There are 6 dining locations around the garden, and all areas use natural ventilation. The menu includes dishes from around the Mediterranean including  Spanish, French, Italian, Greek, Turkish and Moroccan cooking styles.

    Complementing the home made food dishes is a range of fine wines from Zen Asia Inc. 

    Marcia Restaurant is also a magic venue for private functions, weddings and corporate events. When there  are no special quarantine protocols in force, the restaurant can accommodate up to 200 guests. 

    Marcia Adams’ Restaurant 

    JP.Rizal St, Brgy Sikat, 4123 Alfonso, Cavite 

    Located along the border of Tagaytay and

    Alfonso, Cavite, across Ville Sommet.

    4. Breakfast at Antonio’s

    If you love breakfast then Breakfast at Antonio’s is a must. They serve an all day breakfast and bistro style menu. Their extensive menu means they cater for all taste and its always been a hit when I’ve taken friends and family visiting from overseas. They even have a bakery so you can continue to enjoy freshly baked bread, home made jams and sweet treats in the comfort of your own home.

    The restaurant interior is beautiful with large windows opening out to the picturesque view of Taal lake while you enjoy your meal. The cool breeze is a nice welcome after escaping the Manila heat or hiking up Taal Volcano.

    Breakfast at Antonio’s is part of the Antonio’s group of restaurants all located in Tagaytay City. Each restaurant providing a unique ambience to the other, so check them out too.

    Breakfast at Antonio’s

    Emilio Aguinaldo Highway Barangay


    4120 Cavite

    5. Sonya's Garden

    A bit like Singapore's status as a city within a garden, Sonya's Garden truly feels like a restaurant that has been worked into a beautiful garden. The level of Zen achieved is incredible. The abundance of plants, flowers and wholesome food create a peaceful and romantic afternoon. 

    Their ability to cater for allergies with alternative and unique ingredients is certainly a plus for those who struggle. Though it's definitely recommended to book in advance if you're putting them to the challenge. 

    You may even spot Sonya walking around the property checking on her plants. 

    Sonya's Garden

    Barangay Buck Estate


    4123 Cavite 

    If you're new to Manila and haven't made a trip down to Tagaytay yet, try to leave by 10am to beat the traffic. Most drivers take the South Super Highway via Santa Rosa route, but there are alternative more scenic and less stressful ways to and from Tagaytay. 

    Your Author 

    Lester Harvey is the managing director of Zen Asia Inc and lives between Manila and Cavite. Lester came from New Zealand to the Philippines over 44 years ago and has been supplying a full range of high quality wines to businesses across the country. 

    Don't forget, members of ANZA Manila get an incredible special offer from Zen Asia Inc. Order one case (12 bottles), and  they'll give you one free bottle of our choice.

  • 28 Apr 2021 9:40 AM | Anonymous

    I’ve gotten fat over lockdown. My pants feel tight. I’m eating more and moving less. Due to coronavirus, my summer body will be postponed until 2022 (at least). Thank you Food Panda.

    But let’s put this in perspective: a year’s worth of exercising less and stress-eating more isn’t a disaster. And that’s the point — gaining weight isn’t fun, but it isn’t a disaster.

    Despite the fact we are going through an unprecedented pandemic, the prevailing message on social media right now is that we’re somehow supposed to be “making the most” of our time spent in lockdown. Write that novel! Organise your closet! Bake bread! Get fit!

    Now, I don’t blame anyone for taking up a hobby in order to distract themselves. You can only have so many conversations with your dog until you begin to feel completely deranged. But that last one—the idea that we should be using all this “extra time” to lose weight, or at least not gain any—moves beyond feeling productive and gives into that societal fear I thought we were finally, thankfully, moving past: Getting “fat.”

    So many worse things can happen. At a minimum, I could get a bad case of Covid-19, or someone close to me could get a bad case of Covid-19. I’m trying to practice self-compassion. As much of a broken record this must sound like by now, I will say it again: we are not living in normal times.

    Besides, stress is bad for your immune system. For once, we shouldn’t feel guilty about relaxing, even if the relaxing comes with a side of gelato (I’m looking at you Farmacy). If it’s done in moderation and helps lower our stress, I say go for it.

    Occasionally I fear that I’m treating the pandemic too much like a holiday. I have the privilege of working from home, so I spend most days in pajamas, on my bed, in a climate-controlled cave. I fear that I’ll get lazy and unmotivated from a year of doing, well, not much.

    And I won’t know how true my fear is until I get vaccinated and live somewhat normally again. Yet, I’m also trying to be optimistic. I find myself dreaming about the holidays we will, hopefully, take in 2022. Bring it on.

    Your Author 

    Kimberly Fisher Horan is an Australian Fashion Editor, Stylist & Writer based in Manila Philippines. Co-Founder of Sitara Vintage & founder of TPNW shoes

    Check out The Perfect Nude Wedge and Sitara Vintage to see Kimbo’s designs.

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